Wednesday, January 30, 2008

No HARM - SOME FOWL!! - OWD Exposed!

Well I'll be BLASTED!!! I was just sitting here, creating up a wonderfully JUICY morsel to POP into my new "GOODIE BOX" II, when the phone started ringing, the door bell was 'DINGING', and I was so involved into Photoshop even to notice the 50 IM screens 'FLASHING' on the other monitor!!

OMGOSH!!! I just noticed that I have 40 VALENTINES already and it's STILL 15 DAYS from Valentine's Day before I get to read them...WOO HOO!! YIPPEE!!! YEEHAW!! Do you suppose I'll exceed my EXPECTATIONS on how many I will actually get???!!!'s making me THINK -- BLOG REWARD!!! *contemplating...*

I hadn't even
NOTICED until the IMAGES flashed onto my HELLO screen!!! I GASPED, I GASPED again. It was a CAT-OUT-of the BAG situation and I had NO further control but, to give in and bring the images over here for you all to be witness of.

Well, I did mention to someone that I had thought it would be a GREAT and convenient
opportunity for friends and fans to get an EARLY start to beat the crowds.

Here's the copies of
IMAGES floating around the W.W.W.:

I also had another LO to share with you that was posted over at my Fun with Fonts Weekly Challenge.

OWL EYES by Darlene aka Scrappee at 3Scrapateers --

Please POP over there, well, right HERE, and leave her some 'GREAT LOVIN'.

Well, the
LIST is LONG and I must get back to work. Have a wonderful Thursday!!! Forcasted SNOW here, but I'll SURVIVE!!!

Who knows, if we get snowed in I might get a LOT of STUFF DONE...ROFL

LATER. . .



Unknown said...

Woo Hoo!!! At the rate you are just may exceed your expectations for valentines!!!

BTW....LOVE the owl layout!!!

Linda Walton aka bobbysgirlforever said...

OMGosh Osten!!! I am over here ROLLING!!!

You are SO animated and should DEFINITELY have given thought to being a STAND-UP comedian ... oh wait, NO, NO, NO, NO ... I mean a SIT-DOWN comedian!!! ROTFLMBO!!! Hmmmm .... *wheels are turning* (better pass the oil, they are squeaky 'ol wheels!!!) - I shall have to think on this topic and see if it goes anywhere!!!

LOVIN' all your designs NATURALLY - just had to come out of my shell to say "HELLO" to you and Ms. Monna!!!

WOO HOO!!! Come on ladies - a few more Valentine's in the DUDESTER'S box and he will be a HAPPY MAN (said in my BEST Donkey voice (from Shrek)!!!

BRRRRRRR .... I've been FREEZING for the past three days - if ONLY it would snow, I think I'd feel a little better about it!!! I'm sure ALL the ladies would LOVE to know you were SNOWED IN!!! He, he ... right ladies??? LOL!

Loves ya,