Kim here, your new OWD Blog Buddy, with updates on what Osten has been up to recently. First up we have some store additions:

A Magical Seasons Stockings Addon can be found here.
And the last part of this collection, A Magical Season Baubles Addon, can be found here.
Did you miss out on Dude's 12 Days of Christmas in the forums? If so, here's your chance to pick up all 12 days of goodies in the OWD store:

As if Osten's Christmas goodies weren't enough for you, he has created a winter collection as well. Introducing Winter Wonderland:

As if Osten's Christmas goodies weren't enough for you, he has created a winter collection as well. Introducing Winter Wonderland:

You can find Winter Wonderland in the shop at OWD here.
What is going on in the forums at Osten Wilkins Designs? You can check it out for yourself here, but I'd like to point out a few areas of interest:
- Amy has the January Bingo off and running
- Heidi has the Fontalicious challenge going
- Kim has started selecting Masterpieces of the Day and will be posting the Download a Month challenge tomorrow
- Dude's Embellish It Chat & Challenge happens this coming Monday, January 12th with chats at 12noon and 10pm, EST. Make sure you check out the thread for EI as there are sneak peaks posted of all of the goodies Dude has for you!
Lastly, Dude has created Club Dude, details of which you can check out in the forums here.